Picture hanging with recessed ceiling
Top Rail is ideal for this purpose!
Top Rail enables a flexible picture hanging system to easily be added to a room with a drop ceiling. This ceiling rail is ideal for use in combination with a drop ceiling, because the rail can be mounted to the side strip that is used for the installation of a drop ceiling. By installing the Top Rail next to the ceiling, a hanging system will be available throughout the entire room. The hanging system ‘disappears’, as it were, into the ceiling. Hanging, changing and replacing wall decorations is possible in no time. As from the time of installation, no more tools are required for hanging objects on the walls, which therefore remain undamaged. It is, of course, also possible to use wall systems in combination with a drop ceiling.

Recessed hanging systems
During a construction or renovation project, even before installation of a recessed ceiling, thought can be given to a flexible hanging system. The Art Strip and Ceiling Strip ceiling systems are hanging rails that can be integrated when installing recessed ceilings. These rails replace the side strip (Art Strip – side strip including hanging rail) and the corner profile used in the installation of drop ceiling (Ceiling Strip – side strip, corner profile and hanging system in one).
FLEXIBLEhang and move wall decorations quickly and easily
PRESERVATIONno more damaged walls
MULTIFUNCTIONALsuitable for a variety of wall decorations
STRONG & RELIABLElong life cycle (10 year warranty)